Java Programming Tutorials

by Computer Software Academy



This App was developed by Al-Akhtar Computer Science Academy; to help People to carry basic JAVA pro...

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This App was developed by Al-Akhtar Computer Science Academy; to help People to carry basic JAVA programming tutorial in android device.Definition of C and JAVA Programming:JAVA is a general-purpose object-oriented programming language. Gradually, it has evolved and despite the popularity of other programming languages like C#, JAVA holds its own as one of the most widely used languages for scripting, programming and development.Learn Java programming is FREE programming app by AL-Akhtar CS Academy. Whether youve had any prior programming experience or not, this app will help you learn all you need to know in order to start creating and compiling your own programs. This app will show you how easy it is to become a programmer.Java Programming app includes over 80 lessons split into 9 levels that cover basic concepts, data types, arrays, pointers, conditional statements, loops, functions, classes and objects, inheritance & polymorphism, templates, files and exceptions. This JAVA Programming app enables you to carry Java programming Tutorials in your android phone. It contains about 81 Programs. This will definitely help u for preparing for interviews, tests and in many more wayswherever you require any information about JAVA, fell free to open the app.This app designed for software programmers with a need to understand the JAVA programming language starting from scratch. This tutorial and programs will give understanding on Java programming language from where you can take yourself to higher level of expertise. Basic to advance Java Tutorials consists following topics.IntroductionPros and ConsEnvironment SetupVariablesData typeVariable scopeTypecastingOperatorsExpressionIf statementSwitch statementWhile loopDo While loopFor loopClasses basicsClass ObjectsConstructorsMethod OverloadingMethod OverridingStatic keywordInheritanceArraysStringWrapper ClassImplementing InterfacesCreating threadStopping & blockingException & priorityRunnable InterfaceTry CatchExceptionsDesigning a Web PageRunning an AppletByte StreamCharacter StreamFileDirectoryPrograms with output:AdditionArea of CircleArea of RectangleAverage of arrayBinary to DecimalBitwise AdditionBubble SortCalculate PercentageChar Array to StringConstructor ExampleCreate DirectoryCreate FileDate TimeDecimal to BinaryDecimal to HexDecimal to OctalDelete DirectoryDisplay IP AddressDo While ExampleEven or OddFactorial using recursionFind FactorialFloyd TriangleFor Loop ExampleGCD & LCM"Hex to DecimalIf Else ExampleLeap YearLinear SearchMatrix MultiplicationMatrix TransposeMerge SortOctal to DecimalOpen NotepadPrint TablesQuick SortReverse String ArraySelection SortSort String ArrayString ConcatenateString to Char ArraySwapping two noSwapping without 3rd variableSwitch Case ExampleUser Defined ExceptionWhile Loop ExampleFeatures : Chapter wise complete JAVA TutorialsBasic JAVA Programs with outputPrograms with comments for better understanding (81 programs)Output for each program which compiled and tested Object Oriented Programming TopicVery simple User InterfaceDisclaimer:All the information provided in this application are real and correct. We are discuss with many lecturer and professor; they verify the whole tutorial and programs in the app, which is correct. We just provide an organized the way to learn easily the JAVA Programming language.